Period 6-English 9 MYP-HS1 IB MYP English I Assignments

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Unit 3 Summative: "The Giver" in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Summative: "The Giver"

Directions: Respond to the prompt by writing at least 3 paragraphs. You may use a separate piece of paper to plan your response. Please submit (by paper or Google Doc) by the beginning of class. You will be grading each other's papers on Monday. Bring your charged laptop or written assignment!

Prompt: Would you rather have complete freedom in a dangerous world, or very little freedom in a world that is very safe? Answer the question in at least 3 paragraphs. Be sure to support your response with evidence from stories, movies, real-world events, or experiences from your life. You must include a thesis statement with 1 main reason to support your claim.


Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday

Please answer each of these questions below. 
Give yourself a compliment! :) (1 sentence)
What are some topics you'd like to learn about in our class? Be specific! (1 sentence)
How can you feel more challenged in our class? Explain your answer with specific details. (1 sentence)
How do you feel about asking for help? Do you like it? Hate it? Other? Explain your response. (1 sentence)


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer at least 3 questions (of your choice) below:

1. How are the owls related?

2. Which owl is about to take its first flight? How do you know?

3. How does the young owl feel about flying?

4. What might it be thinking? Add a thought bubble to the picture.

5. Is the older owl worried?

6. What advice might the older owl give to the younger one?


Homework: "The Giver" Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Questions in Google Classroom

Homework: "The Giver" Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Questions

Directions: After reading Chapter 1 in class, please respond to the following questions below in at least one complete sentence. Each question is worth 2 points for a total of 18 points. 

1. What event frightened Jonas a year ago? 

2. What happened to the pilot in the flashback? How does Jonas describe this event? 

3. Why do you think that Jonas has trouble finding words to describe his emotions?

4. What can we learn or assume about the fact that the children didn't know what the word "animals" really meant?

5. What job does Jonas' father have?

6. Which two forms of release are not considered punishments? 

7. Why can't Jonas' family adopt the baby?

8. Where does Jonas' mother work?

9. At the end of chapter one, we discover what event Jonas is apprehensive (worried or anxious) about. What is it?


Cheboygan Day Read Aloud!  in Google Classroom

Cheboygan Day Read Aloud!

Hello everyone! Please use today and tomorrow to read "Cheboygan Day" and answer the questions within the passage. You may either complete the assignment digitally (link below) or you may write your answers on your hard paper copy. Please upload a screenshot of all your responses if you choose to write on paper. I will need to be able to read your responses to grade them! 

Also, Ms. Jaffe learned how to YouTube (I feel SOOO cool)!! Check it out if you'd like to read along with me and have some additional help with your responses!


Vocabulary Quiz in Google Classroom

Vocabulary Quiz

Please take this quiz: Due tonight at Midnight, December 17th!


Bell Ringer: Thursday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Thursday

Please answer each of these questions below. 
What are 3 things you are proud of in yourself or others from this past month?
What are 3 things you'd like to work on going forward in our class? Explain.
What is your greatest strength in our class?
What do you think is something you need to grow on in our class?


Bell Ringer: Monday, 12/13 in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday, 12/13

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or Chromebook, read the scenario, and answer the questions below. 

Let’s analyze the following scenario. 
"Karina loves country music. She wants to fill her wardrobe with boots and cowboy hats. But none of her friends are into that look. They wear joggers, hoodies, and the latest sneakers. Karina’s parents got her cowboy boots for her birthday, but now they’re just sitting at the back of her closet."

Use complete sentences to answer each of the following questions after reading the quote above:
1. Do you think Karina should embrace her own unique style? Why or why not? (1-2 complete sentences)
2. What is your relationship to social media? (1 complete sentence)


Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday

Directions: Happy Fri-Yay! Answer all questions below. Use 1+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) Today is a catch up/support day for you! Write one specific goal you'd like to accomplish in today's class. 

B) How are you going to achieve that goal today? 

C) When are progress reports going out? 

D) Is there anything I should know that would help support you in class more?


Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday  in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday

Directions: Rewrite the “Messy Sentence” into a “Polished Sentence" by fixing the grammar, usage, and mechanics (G.U.M.) errors. Be prepared to share out your answers!
{Messy Sentence Hint: There are lots of possible corrections! Think about the spelling, punctuation, and overall sentence structure.}

Messy Sentence: Shreya hasnt paid her school libary fine consequently she cant neither lend more books or recieve her report card


Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday

Please answer each of these questions below in at least 1 sentence:

What are 3 things you are looking forward to? 
What are 3 things you are proud of in yourself or others?
What are 3 things you'd like to work on for next week? Explain.


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or claim) about what is going on in this picture. (1 sentence)

2. Cite evidence from the picture to support your inference (or claim). (1 sentence)

3. Explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the inference (or claim). Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference. (2 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or Chromebook, read the quote, and answer the questions below. 

“The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before.”
— Albert Einstein
Use complete sentences to answer each of the following questions after reading the quote above:
1. Think of a time when you had to decide whether you'd follow someone or something due to pressures (for example, downloading TIK TOK even if you didn't want to). What made you make this decision? Did you follow someone, or did you go your own way? 
2. Describe the overall meaning of the quote. How do you feel about following "a crowd" in your life? Explain your answer.


Post Groupwork Reflection  in Google Classroom

Post Groupwork Reflection

Students: please open up the link and create one new post answering the attached question. Make sure to respond with at least 2 sentences and give a brief example! Thank you! Due by midnight, December 3.


Bell Ringer: Thursday (12/2) in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Thursday (12/2)

Directions: Happy Thursday! Please answer the question below. Use 2+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) How can talking in groups help us dig deeper in analyzing and pulling evidence from the text? Why or why not? Explain.


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or Chromebook, read the quote, and answer the questions below. 

"Life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community." - Sherman Alexie

Use complete sentences to answer each of the following questions after reading the quote above:
1. What is one synonym and one antonym (a word that means the same thing/a word that means the opposite) we can use instead of “struggle"? 
2. Describe the overall meaning of the quote. How do you feel about being an individual or a community member in your life? Explain your answer.


Bell Ringer: Tuesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday

Directions: Happy Tuesday! Answer all questions below. Use 1+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) What is something you would like to read this year? Explain. 

B) What is something you think you could have done better on your Summative essay? Explain!


Bell Ringer: Reflection Monday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Monday

Directions: Happy Monday! Answer all questions below. Use 1+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) What are you looking forward to on this break?

B) What is something you're grateful for? Why?


Ted Talk!  in Google Classroom

Ted Talk!

Please open up the Ted Talk and complete the documents in class today. Whatever you don't finish in class will be due Tuesday.


Summative Assessment: Character Analysis Essay in Google Classroom

Summative Assessment: Character Analysis Essay

Based on your selection, you will write a 5 paragraph character analysis essay. In your essay, you will determine how the character has developed throughout the story. The focus of your essay should include the three specific areas that help analyze character: 
Dramatic Function
Figurative Language 
Essay elements that must be included:
5 MELCON structured paragraphs total
Thesis Statement 
3 Body paragraph Topic Sentences (dramatic function, relationships, figurative language)
Conclusion paragraph
Short Story Texts:
Speech Sounds
The Lottery
Thermostat 6


Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday

Directions: Happy Fri-Yay! Answer all questions below. Use 1+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) What are 2 writing goals you have for today? 

B) What is one piece of feedback you'd like your partner to give you today? 

C) When is your Character Analysis essay due? When can you come see Ms. Jaffe for help?


Wednesday: Writer's Workshop with Partner in Google Classroom

Wednesday: Writer's Workshop with Partner


A writing conference is a targeted chat with your partner about the areas of your writing that you want to revise to improve! To ensure the best use of time during your chat, use this page to determine the specific elements of your essay that you need the most help with revising.


In Class Writing Workshop in Google Classroom

In Class Writing Workshop

Students: Please use this document to open and work on your 1st and 2nd paragraph in class today.


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or claim) about what is going on in this picture. (1 sentence)

2. Cite evidence from the picture to support your inference (or claim). (1 sentence)

3. Explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the inference (or claim). Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference. (2 sentences)


Summative Thesis Statement Due in Google Classroom

Summative Thesis Statement Due

Please submit your Character Analysis Summative Thesis Statement by Monday, November 15th BEFORE class begins.


Homework: Character Analysis in Google Classroom

Homework: Character Analysis

Please finish the 1st page graphic organizer before class tomorrow!


Bell Ringer: Monday, Nov. 08 in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday, Nov. 08

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or Chromebook, open each photo, and answer the questions below. 

Use complete sentences to answer each of the following questions after looking at each photo below:
1.  Choose 1 shoe you like the most or find the most interesting. Describe the shoe in 1 sentence. 
2. In at least 2 sentences, describe a person (real or made up) who might wear this shoe. What job might they have? What type of personality do you think they have?


Bell Ringer: Reflection Thursday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Thursday

Directions: Happy Thurs-Yay! Answer the questions below. Use 1+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) What is 1 thing you're proud of this week?

B) Please write a 4 sentence reflection regarding your performance this 1st quarter. What did you do well? What are some ways to grow within the next quarter? Is there anything I should know to support you as your teacher?


Homework: Inferences!  in Google Classroom

Homework: Inferences!

Please create a Google Doc or use the Paper copy to complete this assignment, if you did not already complete it in class.


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or Chromebook, read the quote, and answer the questions below. 

“ It isn't fair, it isn't right," Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.” –”The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Use complete sentences to answer each of the following questions after reading the quote above:

1. What is one synonym and one antonym (a word that means the same thing/a word that means the opposite) we can use instead of “fair"? 
2. Describe the overall meaning of the quote. How do you feel about fairness in your life? Explain your answer.


Answer while Watching "The Lottery" in Google Classroom

Answer while Watching "The Lottery"


"Speech Sounds" Questions in Google Classroom

"Speech Sounds" Questions


Bell Ringer: Monday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday

Directions: After watching the video, please answer each of these questions with at least 1+ complete sentences.

A. What’s the man’s job? How do you know? 

B. Where does the story take place? (You may not have the background knowledge to guess accurately, but you can guess the climate.) 

C. How does the orange octopus/pink octopus/man feel? How do you know? 

D. What do you think happens after the end of the film?


Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday

Directions: Happy Fri-Yay! Answer the questions below. Use 3+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) What are 2 things you are looking forward to this weekend?

B) What is a good moment you've had from this week?


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or Chromebook, read the quote, and answer the questions below. 

“You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.” –Octavia Butler

Use complete sentences to answer each of the following questions after reading the quote above:
1. What is one synonym and one antonym (a word that means the same thing/a word that means the opposite) we can use instead of “persistence"? 
2. Describe the overall meaning of the quote. Does it apply to you? Explain your answer.


Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday  in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday

Directions: Rewrite the “Messy Sentence” into a “Polished Sentence" by fixing the grammar, usage, and mechanics (G.U.M.) errors. Be prepared to share out your answers!
{Messy Sentence Hint: There are at least 6-9 possible corrections! Think about the spelling, punctuation, and overall sentence structure.}

Messy Sentence: “, the abbott family must now face the tewwors of the out-side world as they continue their fite for survival in silence(shhh)!!! FOLLOWING the deadly. events at home

!!!" -new york timez


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or claim) about what is going on in this picture. (1 sentence)

2. Cite evidence from the picture to support your inference (or claim). (1 sentence)

3. Explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the inference (or claim). Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference. (2 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday  in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday

Directions: Rewrite the “Messy Sentence” into a “Polished Sentence" by fixing the grammar, usage, and mechanics (G.U.M.) errors. Be prepared to share out your answers!
{Messy Sentence Hint: There are at least 6-9 possible corrections! Think about the spelling, punctuation, and overall sentence structure.}

Messy Sentence: “eddie brock is still strugging to co-----exist with the shape-SHIFTing extraterrestrial Venom when a deranged serial, killer! also becomes host to an aleein symbiote brock and venom must put aside their differenes to stop his RAIN of TEERRORR.”


My 2021 Soundtrack in Google Classroom

My 2021 Soundtrack

My 2021 Soundtrack

Music is such an important part of our lives. It motivates us, calms us, or inspires us. It can and also become the backdrop against which we live our lives. Songs can bring back clear memories of people, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a given time or place.

Part I Playlist:

Reflect on your life so far in 2021 and consider five turning points.  
Then choose five songs to accompany each event. Just as music producers do, try to create an interesting sequence of your songs to create a playlist for your life in 2021 thus far. Pretend that you are going to give this playlist to a friend. Which order should the songs go in?  For example, your songs might be listed in order by when the events happened, or they might be mixed together so that all of the slow songs are not back-to-back. DO NOT just list them randomly. Put some thought into the order of your songs and the complete package you are presenting.


Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday

Please answer each of these questions below in at least 1 sentence:

Name it: What am I feeling right now? (anxious, stressed, disappointed, etc)
Question the feelings: What happened to make me feel this way? Why did I react this way? Is this a helpful or hurtful reaction?
Strategize: What do I want to do about these feelings? (Scream, vent my frustration at the person, talk to a safe person) Is there a better way of coping with these feelings? (Talk it out, go for a walk/run, deep breathing)


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or claim) about what is going on in this picture. (1 sentence)

2. Cite evidence from the picture to support your inference (or claim). (1 sentence)

3. Explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the inference (or claim). Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference. (2 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or Chromebook, read the quote, and answer the questions below. 

"I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.” –Charmaine J. Forde." 

Use complete sentences to answer each of the following questions after reading the quote above: 
1. What part of speech (noun, verb, or adjective) is “WISH" in the quote? 
2. What is one synonym and one antonym (a word that means the same thing/a word that means the opposite) we can use instead of “WISH"? 
3. Describe the overall meaning of the quote. What day and month do you wish it always was? Explain your answer.


Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday

Directions: Happy Fri-Yay! Answer one of the questions below. Use 3+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) Why do I matter?

B)  What small act of kindness was I once shown that I will never forget? Explain.


Bell Ringer: Thursday Vocabulary   in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Thursday Vocabulary

Directions: Take out a sheet of paper or open up a google doc and wait quietly for Ms. Jaffe. 
How many of these sounds do you recognize? Write down your answers!


🔍Essay Scavenger Hunt🔎 in Google Classroom

🔍Essay Scavenger Hunt🔎

Directions: Please use this document to take your essay notes, and also find errors in the hard copy sample essay! 

⭐️You may either work individually OR in pairs of TWO. If you are working with another student, please make sure you BOTH submit your work to Google Classroom separately. 

⭐️You will work through the attached assignment, (either on your Chromebook if typing, or handwritten if color-coding), to identify the important elements of the essay provided. 

⭐️Turn in your assignment by Tuesday, September 28 BEFORE class starts! Whoever finds all the correct errors FIRST, and submits their work on time, will get a class coupon (i.e. free homework pass). 

Good luck with essay error hunting, and let me know if you have any questions!


Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday

Please answer these questions in at least 1-2 sentences:

1. What are two things you're excited for? Think about your day, week, month, etc. 
2.  What are two things you're proud of? Why?
3.  Write 1 compliment to 2 different people at South Shore (1 compliment per person)! This could be a friend, coach, teacher, security, administrator, etc.


Summative: CREDO Essay in Google Classroom

Summative: CREDO Essay

Please submit your Credo Essay to this submission folder by the beginning of class or before Wednesday, September 29th. Essays will be graded based off the IB Criterion B: Organizing and IB Criterion C: Producing Text Rubrics. 

This is a summative assessment and worth 40% of your grade. See me if you have any questions!


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or claim) about what is going on in this picture. (1 sentence)

2. Cite evidence from the picture to support your inference (or claim). (1 sentence)

3. Explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the inference (or claim). Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference. (2 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook or chromebook, read the quote, and answer the questions below. 

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." –Albert Einstein

Answer the following 4 questions after reading the quote above by Albert Einstein: 
1. What part of speech (noun, verb, or adjective) is “EXPLAIN" in the quote? (1 word)
2. What is a synonym (a word that means the same thing) we can use instead of “EXPLAIN"? (1 word)
3. Describe the overall meaning of the quote. (1 sentence)
4. Do you think the meaning shows up in your own life at all? Explain why or why not. (1-2 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday

Directions: Happy Fri-Yay! Answer both questions below. Use 3+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) What does it mean to manage stress? How do I manage my personal stress? In what new ways can I creatively manage stress in my life and on my campus? 

B) What defining moment in your life brought about your awareness of stress and the
importance of self care and prevention? Explain.


Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday  in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday

Directions: Please open the attachment and fill out part 1 and part 2, regarding the vocabulary word "Inform".


Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday

Please answer these questions in at least 1-2 sentences:

1. What are two things you're excited for? Think about your day, week, month, etc. 
2.  Describe something you are doing this week to take care of yourself?
3.  Describe one thing that went well for you yesterday?
4. Give a shout out to yourself and give a shout out to someone in your life. (Compliment yourself and someone in your life)


Homework: Thesis Statement + 3 Topic Sentences for Credo Essay Due in Google Classroom

Homework: Thesis Statement + 3 Topic Sentences for Credo Essay Due

Directions: Remember that Credo homework you all did in week 2 of our class? That homework assignment that I had you write 6+ sentences about your values and what you believed in? It's time to use it! 
For homework, please use the notes we discussed in class (they are attached here as well) and your CREDO homework to write a (1 sentence, 3 reasons) Thesis statement and 3 additional topic sentences that relate to the reasons in your thesis. 

Thesis statement: "My favorite part about myself is my creativity because I like to write short stories, paint canvases, and shoot photography."

Topic sentence 1: Writing short stories is a great outlet for creativity in my life. 

Topic sentence 2: Painting canvases helps me to relieve stress and I enjoy sharing it with my friends and family. 

Topic sentence 3: When I take photos, I mostly take them in nature, when I'm surrounded by trees and soft silence of the woods.


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or claim) about what is going on in this picture. (1 sentence)

2. Cite evidence from the picture to support your inference (or claim). (1 sentence)

3. Explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the inference (or claim). Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference. (2 sentences)


📚Homework: Please View and SIGN the attached contract.  in Google Classroom

📚Homework: Please View and SIGN the attached contract.

Directions: Sign each of the contracts below that confirms you have read and understood our Classroom Expectations, Norms, and Responsibilities. This completion of all document signatures is worth 15 points.


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook, read the quote, and answer the questions below. 

Quote: "It has been so important for me to embrace what I personally bring to the table. Let your stories inform your voice." –Vivian Nuñez

Use complete sentences to answer the following questions after reading the quote: 
1. What part of speech (noun, verb, or adjective) is “INFORM" in the quote? (1 word)
3. What is a synonym (a word that means the same thing) we can use instead of “INFORM"? (1 word)
4. Describe the overall meaning of the quote. Do you think the meaning shows up in your own life at all? Explain why or why not. (2-3 sentences)


Friday Homework in Google Classroom

Friday Homework

Directions: Please write one thesis statement about one of the short films (linked) below. Choose one short film and write one thesis statement about it. Create a strong claim by considering what you found interesting, unusual, or meaningful about the film. Email or message on the Remind App if you have any questions!


Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday

Directions: Happy Fri-Yay! Pick ONE of the questions to answer after watching the video. Use 3+complete sentences and specific examples for support: 

A) What do you think the student in the video is talking about? When you are struggling, what happens to your body and your emotions, especially when you feel really stressed? Explain your thoughts.

B) Why do you think can it be a struggle to ask for help sometimes? Describe a way that you have asked for help within this past month. How does it make you feel when you ask? Give an example.


Thursday Homework: Voting + Reflection  in Google Classroom

Thursday Homework: Voting + Reflection

Hi everyone! 

1. Since we ran out of time to vote in class today, please use the link below to vote for the strongest Thesis statement! You may only choose one answer. Winners will be announced tomorrow, so please make sure to vote before class begins tomorrow! :)

2. Please write a short reflection (3-4 sentences) about WHY you chose the answer you did on the survey. Make sure to explain your reasons for choosing and voting for the specific thesis statement you did.


Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday  in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday

Directions: Rewrite the “Messy Sentence” into a “Polished Sentence" by fixing the grammar, usage, and mechanics (G.U.M.) errors. Be prepared to share out your answers!
{Messy Sentence Hint: There are at least 6-9 possible corrections! Think about the spelling, punctuation, and overall sentence structure.}

Messy Sentence: king kong and his Protectors are undertook a perilous journey to find his true home the initial confrontation between the 2 titans is only the beginning of, the mistery that lies deep within the core of the planet????


Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Wellness Wednesday

Please answer these questions in at least 1-2 sentences:

1. What are two things you're excited for? Think about your day, week, month, etc. 
2. What are 4 or 5 words you would use to describe yourself? Why?
3. What has been the most difficult part of school for you in the past couple of weeks? What has been the most fun? Why?
4. Where is the place you feel you can be yourself the most?


Tuesday Homework: Thesis Statement Reflection in Google Classroom

Tuesday Homework: Thesis Statement Reflection

Directions: Please answer the following questions below in complete sentences. 

1. Based on the "hot take" prompt: "Is true love or are soulmates real?" or "Family recipes that are passed down aren't always good", do you agree or disagree with the statement? *Choose ONE of the prompts. (1sentence)

2. Explain WHY you agreed or disagreed with the statement you chose in at least 3 sentences. Be detailed and consider why your opinion might be so strong in one direction. If you don't have a strong opinion, take a side and consider why some people might agree or disagree. (3 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Tuesday Picture Inference

Directions: After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or claim) about what is going on in this picture. (1 sentence)

2. Cite evidence from the picture to support your inference (or claim). (1 sentence)

3. Explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the inference (or claim). Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference. (2 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Monday Quote in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Monday Quote

Directions: When you first enter class, please open your notebook, read the quote, and write at least 3 sentences answering ONE of the questions (with details) below. Be prepared to share your answer! 

Quote: "We're all human and we have great amounts of pressure on us. When someone's hurting, be there. We could all use a little compassion." -Ariana Grande

Definition of Compassion: sympathetic pity or concern for the suffering of others 

A.) How does "compassion" show up in your life? Do you think it's an important quality to have? Why or why not? Explain your thoughts. 


B.) Describe a way you have used "compassion" within this past month in particular. How does it make you feel when you experience it from someone else, or when you practice it yourself? Give one example and explain your thoughts.


Friday Classwork/Homework: 9/11 Memorial Day Writing Assignment  in Google Classroom

Friday Classwork/Homework: 9/11 Memorial Day Writing Assignment

Directions: Please respond to each of the questions below in complete sentences after watching the videos in class. Remember to explain your thoughts and support your opinion with details! This assignment is a formative grade as it will help me assess where you are at with your writing. Message me on the Remind App if you have any questions. This assignment is due Monday, September 13 before class. 

(The video link cannot be shared, so please view this short article for the contents of the video):

What options were presented to the president? (2 sentences)
Who helped the president make the decision? (1 sentence)
What risks did the president and his aides need to consider when planning the raid? (3 sentences)
What would you have done if you were in the President's position? Explain why. (4 sentences)


Homework: CREDO Beliefs in Google Classroom

Homework: CREDO Beliefs

So what is a CREDO? A credo is a statement about one specific belief you have. “Credo” is a Latin word meaning “I believe”. 
*Keep in mind that credos are often a work in progress. Don’t stress and do your best to capture something you believe about life. Make it specific!

Directions: Respond to the following questions with “I believe _____________” statements or something similar. Respond in at least 6-7 sentences for one of the questions or 1 sentence for 6 questions . Allow yourself to be creative and use your background knowledge!
Which relationships are most important in your life? Why?
What is the best way to live? Why?
What are the best kinds of moments in life? Why? Give details!
What's the biggest thing a person can achieve in their lifetime? Why?
What's the point of being alive? Explain with details.
What are your greatest weaknesses? Why? Explain.
What are your greatest strengths? Why? Explain.
What do you believe about your future? Why? Explain.
What do you believe are the keys to success in life? 
What do you believe that your legacy will be? 

After answering the questions above, respond to the following question: What is a belief you ultimately live by or believe in strongly? Write your answer in one sentence below. 



Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Friday

Happy Fri-Yay! Today is September 10, 2021.
Please pick ONE of the questions below to answer. Use 3+complete sentences and make sure to explain your answer!

A) Write about three things you’d wait a week, a month, and a year for. Why would you wait? Give at least one detailed example for a week, a month, and a year.


B) Reflect on the idea of waiting. What do you think life would look like if we never had to wait for anything? Give at least one detailed example.


Sample MYP Essay Reflection in Google Classroom

Sample MYP Essay Reflection

Please submit your reflective answers to the questions below. Your reflection should be at least 5-6 sentences long. Please remember to explain your reasoning! 

1. What grade did you give the sample essay you read in class? (1 sentence)
2. Why did you give the grade you did? Explain your thoughts. (2-3 sentences)
3. What could the student have done better in the sample essay you read in class? Why? (3-4 sentences)


Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Grammar Thursday

Directions: Rewrite the “Messy Sentence” into a “Polished Sentence" by fixing the grammar, usage, and mechanics (G.U.M.) errors below. {Messy Sentence Hint: There are at least 6-8 possible corrections! Think about the spelling, punctuation, and overall sentence structure.}

sisters satsuki and mei move into a country cottage while and they overcome their fears with the help of some new friends including a slyly grining cat that doubles as a bus and and a HUGE fuzzyy and lovable totoro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


Bell Ringer: Reflection Wednesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Reflection Wednesday

Please answer these questions in at least 2-3 sentences:

1. What are two things you're excited for? Think about your day, week, month, etc. 
2. What are two things you feel proud of? This could be something big or something small. 
3. What is something you feel grateful for in your life this week or today? 
4. What is something you would like to get better at this week?


Assignment: MEL-CON Practice in Google Classroom

Assignment: MEL-CON Practice

Please make sure to complete the attached worksheet and complete what you have not finished in class for homework. Each group must submit their paragraphs individually to Google Classroom.


Bell Ringer: Picture Tuesday in Google Classroom

Bell Ringer: Picture Tuesday

What’s Going on Here?
After looking closely at the picture, answer these 3 questions:

1. Write an inference (or an educated guess) about what is going on in this picture.
2. Explain HOW the evidence supports the inference (or claim).
3. Be sure to explain how your real-world knowledge helped you make sense of evidence and make your inference.